Saturday, September 4, 2010

A frugal experiment: Whole Wheat Bread with Wheat Germ and Rye

I've always heard that homemade bread was more economical than store bought so today I decided to bake some super healthy bread. I chose a recipe from The New Best Recipe cookbook because I have yet to cook a flop when using it and I didn't want to mess this up. I have a few other favorite bread recipes I've used, but none that are exceptionally healthy.

Whole Wheat Bread with Wheat Germ and Rye

In mixer combine:
2 1/3 cups warm water (free)
1 1/2 Tbsp instant yeast (.11)
1/4 cup honey (.38)
4 Tbsp butter, melted (.25)
2 1/2 tsp salt (free)

Stir in:
1/4 cup rye flour (.07)
1/2 cup wheat germ (.75)

Stir in, half at a time, alternating flours:
3 cups whole wheat flour (.48)
2 3/4 cups all purpose flour (.28)

Knead with dough hook 8 minutes. Cover and rise 1 hour, form loaves, rise 30 minutes, bake at 375 for 35-45 minutes...more detailed instructions in the book or by request :)

Total cost: $2.32/two loaves, or $1.16 per loaf
All ingredients were purchased in bulk except the wheat germ, rye flour, and salt, your mileage may vary.

So was it worth it??? Well, I guess it depends. It came in three cents under a loaf of whole wheat bread from Aldis. Better taste, a lot more time involved. I made one loaf into whole wheat croutons and those DEFINITELY saved me money over store bought, I can't even normally afford whole wheat croutons, let alone on $60/month. Now that I know how easy they are I'll definitely be making them on a regular basis. The other loaf of bread my family polished off hot out of the oven in one sitting with an entire stick of butter. I guess it was a cheap meal, figuring another 50 cents for the butter brings the total to $1.66.  But not a very balanced meal, no fruit or veggies, but maybe next time we'll eat it with some homemade applebutter instead, its almost apple season! :)

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