We've been cleaning the leftovers up nearly as fast as we make them so it's eggs again today. Since I haven't had a chance to make bagels yet we decided on breakfast tacos.
tortillas (.48)
cheese (.31)
eggs (.21)
sausage (.50)
In other frugal news, I've been digging compost into the new garden like mad, trying to get the beds prepared for planting on Monday or Tuesday. We plan to plant spinach, garlic, leeks, scallions, broccoli, and ...I'm not sure what else, I've never gardened in Texas before so this will be an adventure. We have a small cold frame so we are going to attempt to make the most of the fall/winter gardening season. I'd also like to plant some herbs if there are any that are cold hardy or can be planted in the fall to die back and regrow next year. I'm banking on this spinach for our winter greens, its something we eat a lot of that's just not in a $60/month budget. Anything else that grows will be gravy :)
I was supposed to attend a ladies-night-out tonight with a snack to share but my oldest developed a fever at the last minute so we'll be eating our chocolatey goodness for snacks at home this week instead :) I had originally planned to make deviled eggs with the amazing deal on eggs I got at Aldis last week but then I came across a recipe for Cake Balls that made me drool. And since it didn't use anything from the pantry except empty calories, I didn't have to worry about using ingredients I might need for real food in a few months.
Super Easy Chocolatey Cake Balls
Bake one cake mix according to package directions (I used german chocolate).
Dump hot cake into mixing bowl and stir in one container of frosting (I used coconut pecan).
Stir until it makes a homogenous dough.
Roll dough into balls and store in the fridge.
You are supposed to dunk the balls in almond bark but I didn't have any and they are delicious without it, just not quite as pretty. My local grocery occasionally puts cake mix and canned frosting on outrageous sales so I keep it on hand so I never have to pay full price, but I don't even like cake so it can sit in there forever sometimes. Maybe not anymore now that I have a way to turn it into chocolatey goodness! :) I think this cost me $1.50 to make but it's been so long since I bought the ingredients I can't remember...if anything it was less expensive, not more.
Living on sixty bucks a month. For SIX months. We recently returned a large purchase and received our refund in cash. My husband jokingly said "There's your grocery money for the next six months, make it last!" My jaw dropped--it was less than $400, the amount I normally spend in a month to feed our family of five. But loving a challenge I said "You're on!" And here we are--$60 a month for the next six months. Rice and beans, ramen noodles, and ketchup soup! Bring it! :)
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